Legislative Drafting

The Firm has extensive experience relating to legislative drafting, especially related to technical & specialized sectors like IT, Telecom, Power, Public Private Partnerships, Corporate, Capital Markets and Regulatory matters. Some of the legislative assignments completed by the Firm & its Partners are:
- Drafting of the “Electronic Transactions Ordinance, 2002”. The assignment was awarded for the development and drafting of the first piece of legislation for the equivalence of electronic with paper-based communications and to jump-start recognition of electronic communications in commerce and Government. The team comprised lawyers and telecommunications engineers. The assignment required a close examination of UNCITRAL Model Law, legislative initiatives from various jurisdictions, public-private key infrastructure requirements, relevant domestic legislation requiring amendment, and other relevant papers and materials. The law has won international acclaim for being technology neutral and progressive.
- Preparation of Interconnection Disputes Resolution Regulations for the NRA;
- Drafting of the secondary legislative framework for NEPRA for the power sector;
- Drafting of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Law and the PPP Policy and assisting the Infrastructure Project Development Facility (IPDF) teams in the presentation of these instruments to the approving Government bodies;
- Policy formulation, stakeholder dialogue, and drafting of the upcoming Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (Regulation and Enforcement) Act to replace the existing SECP Act, 1997 and its presentation before approving Government forums;
- Policy formulation, stakeholder dialogue, drafting & presentation before Government and Legislative forums of the Stock Exchanges (Corporatization, Demutualization & Integration) Act, 2012, which converted the three stock exchanges of the country from closely held guarantee limited companies by stock brokers to diversely held companies limited by shares;
- Drafting of various amendments in the Companies Ordinance, 1984; SECP Act, 1997; Insurance Ordinance, 2000; Securities & Exchange Ordinance, 1969; Listed Companies (Substantial Acquisition of voting shares & Takeovers) Ordinance, 2002, Anti-Money Laundering Act;
- Drafting & finalizing NBFC & NE Regulations 2008, Group Companies Registration Regulations 2008, Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Regulations 2008, Securities (Leveraged Markets & Pledging) Rules 2011, Debt Securities Trustees Regulations 2012.
- Drafting & finalization of the Alternative Energy Development Board (Certification) Regulation, 2018.
- Drafting & finalization of the Alternative Energy Development Board (Certification) Regulation, 2021.
- Drafting & finalization of the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Microgrid) Regulations, 2021.
- Drafting of the Lok Virsa Ordinance, 2002.
- Drafting of the Road Maintenance Fund.
- Preparation of the Alternative and Renewable Energy Policy, 2019.